A to Z of Marina Info
Here is some of the important information about our facilities and services that you will need for your stay at Whangārei Marina.
Vessels over 6.5m will need to notify the bridge for opening. Click here for information about this.
The main channel leading to the marina is dredged to 1m below chart datum (lowest tide). It is well marked and has soft mud.
To Whangarei Airport An airport pick up and drop service is available through Whangareibus.co.nz or phoning 09 438 6005 At least 2hrs notice must be given. Or book a taxi, see under 'Taxi'
Auckland Airport see under 'Bus'
Marina berths may be full-length finger pontoons or alongside ties to floating pontoons. Have a midship line ready for a cleat tie. You can step off and have water and electricity. Ask if you need 32 amp.
Pile berths are either 2 or 4 piles with floating rings which you row out to.
You always need your own mooring lines. If there are any lines on the mooring, please leave them there.
Download berth maps for Town Basin Berths or Kissing Point Berths
Toilets are available for all customers. We take pride in maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene and encourage you to use our facilities rather than those aboard.
Showers and laundry are coin operated: Hot showers $1 (6min.), hot washing machines $3 or $4. Dryers $1/15 min. The office will exchange $20 notes for coins.
Blackball Yacht Club of Whangarei
Started by a group of International cruisers who loved Whangarei so much that they wanted to give back to the community by raising money for youth to get involved in the marine industry. Membership is $50 per person and can be purchased from the Marina office. You will receive your very own membership card and be inscribed in the leather bound membership book. David on SV Rewa is the commodore
To Auckland CBD - 2 or 3 times daily, from $26pp
To Auckland Airport - transfer at Sky City, from$61pp
To Opua - 2 or 3 times daily, from $24pp
Book on www.intercity.co.nz or call 09 583 5780
Maxi bag allowance is 20kg medium size.
Car Hire
RAD car hire located at 12 Albert Street
Dingy Dock
Located on the inside dock infront of the marina office. Use a long line to give room for other dinghies. If you are leaving your boat for a long time, ask to borrow the marina dinghy for a final trip to leave yours on board.
Dock Lines
Vessels must supply their own lines. If you use existing lines they belong to the regular berth holder and must be put back the way you found them.
240v 16 & 32 amp, 50Hz metered electricity is available. You will need a twist lock blue male connection. An electrical W.O.F. is required for vessels using unattended reticulating power. Power cords need to be tested annually and display the tag by the pedestal. More information about connecting to electricity will be provided when your booking is confirmed.
You can get your power cord tested at
Whangarei Electrical services
24 Herekino St (5 minute walk)
Ph: 09 470 0220
CMA Electrical
Ph: 027 289 0617
Electrical Warrant of Fitness can be organised through
Omori Tech LTD Ph: 027 273 1359
CMA Electrical Ph: 027 289 0617
Empower Electrical Ph: 09 4365313
The emergency number is New Zealand is 111
This will connect you to Ambulance, Fire and Police
For your comfort
There is a TV lounge, book swap library and BBQ party barge located by the marina office. City regulations mean there is an alcohol ban on the shore.
Avaliable in the Whangarei Harbour from Port Nikau or Marsden Cove Marina. Duty free fuel available from Marsden Cove Marina during normal office hours on departure of New Zealand by T.I.E boats. You must call in advance to arrange
Gas/LPG Bottles
For cooking gas/LPG filling stations at ONgas or Elgas both on Porowini Ave. 4 minute car drive or 17 minute walk, borrow a marina trolley. Petrol stations also offer swap a bottle. For gas bottle testing go to Fire Watch, 91 Port Road
Growers Market
Saturdays from 6.30am at the Walton Street car park next to Dominos Pizza. This is fantastic to purchase your fresh local vegetables and other food.
Information Centre
For tourists the Whangarei I-Site Visitor Information centre is located at Tarewa Park 92 Otaika Road
Medical Care
White Cross is open from 7:30am Mon-Fri and open from 8am Sat- Sun closing at 8pm all nights. This provides services for accidents and illness
Visit www.whitecross.co.nz for waiting times.
Office Hours
Mon- Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday 10am -12m
Sunday Closed
IF URGENT CALL 027 338 8625
The marina offers the option to park your car in a secure lock up a short walk from the marina. $4 Daily or $80 monthly rates apply. For other areas ask at the office.
Packages and mail can be received at the office, please ask your sender to include your boat name.
At our busiest times we require the boats on the town side's long pontoons to raft 2x2. If this is not agreeable, please talk to us in the office and we can try to look for alternatives. It is courteous to raft bow to stern to allow more privacy and shoes should be removed before walking across another boar. Walk over the bow rather than the cockpit area.
2 Locations, the Main Office Block and Riverside Drive Your marina key will access these areas We have bins for glass, plastic, cans and general waste please make sure you sort correctly. All large items to the big container by the clock museum.
Call City Safe 0800 258 258 for any security problems if you don't need police. Pontoon gates to be locked closed after dark.
The city council does nightly security patrols of the Town Basin side. The marina has security cameras. Lock your bikes and outboard engines well. Car alarms are suggested. Please report any incidents or concerns to marina staff. Get to know your neighbours.
Sewage Pump-out
Available at Riverside Drive Marina Wharf. Dump station for porta potties at the bin area on the Riverside Drive side of this marina. Please hose after use. Strictly no sewage discharge in the marina
Pak n Save supermarket is located directly across the road from the Marina through the carpark. They stock a wide range of food, alcohol and everyday items
All Cabs - 09 438 3377
Kiwi Cabs - 09 438 4444
Marina trolleys are free to use. Please make sure these are returned to inside the locked gate or if on the courtesy berth these are chained up. Borrowed supermarket trolleys must be returned to Pak n Save or they will stop all trolleys leaving the carpark. If they are left by the marina they end up getting thrown in the water at night.
Walking maps of whangarei can be picked up at the marina office
Waste and recycling
Recycling facilities are available and we encourage you to use them. You’ll find facilities in the locked rubbish compound beside the Riverside green-roofed building. Also behind the Town Side red-roofed office is more recycling bins where large items can go in the skip bin and there is an oil drum. A great way to reduce your rubbish while at sea is by minimising unnecessary packaging before you head off.
Water and fuel
The courtesy berth for new arrivals or filling up with water is just outside the office window. Fenders should be on the port side. Give the office a call first to check if it is available. Tap water is treated and drinkable.
A fuel dock at Marsden Cove marina by the Whangarei harbour entrance is the most user friendly with a credit card. There is also fuel also at Port Nikau.